hero June 2024

Devlog archive

Want to keep up with the developments of Seek? Here you'll find all of our dev logs.

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thumbnail June 2024
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June 2024

Nearing the completion of our list of items to do before entering the test phase, we are steadily adding fixes and features in order to deliver a complete experience.

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May 2024

Completion of the main questline in Blackmill Southern District and several enhancements to the soundscapes and gameplay elements

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April 2024

In preparation of the full game test we have been implementing more content and fixes to the game.

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March 2024

This month our focus remained on the preparation for the more extensive test plays. Steadily finalizing our to-do list of final fixes and implementations.

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February 2024

This month we kept our focus on the preparation for a new and extensive round of test plays, trying to finalize the game as much as we can in order to find as many improvements as we can!

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January 2024

As we kick off the year, our game development journey has hit full throttle. We have expanded our world with richer lore, added exciting content, and waged war against bugs for a smoother experience.

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December 2023

Happy Holidays! We've started construction of the Blackmill Catacombs.

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November 2023

Many improvements on the Blackmill disticts, Sewer, Church and headquarter maps!

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October 2023

We are delighted to unveil our latest content additions for this month. As the world of Seek continues to grow, we are committed to offering an even more captivating and immersive experience for all our upcoming players.

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September 2023

This month, we have dedicated our efforts to elevating your gaming experience by enhancing our maps and developing new content exclusively for you.

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August 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter, where we invite you to delve deeper into the captivating world of Seek. Our relentless dedication to enhancing the narrative and gameplay experience has led to a wealth of new lore and a vibrant, immersive world that beckons you to explore its every corner.

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thumbnail July 2023
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July 2023

We have been working on expanding the gameplay elements in the game to make it even more captivating for you all. We hope you are as excited as we are about these improvements! There is so much more in store for you, so stay tuned for further updates and get ready for an exhilarating gaming experience.

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June 2023

Development has slowed down for a bit since one of our devs broke his arm. But no worries! There has still been some progress.

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Thumbnail May 2023
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May 2023

We have updated the backend of our website, for easy addition of content. Besides that more research and development went into pathfinding of bots.

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April 2023

Lots of diverse developments happening!

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March 2023

Blackmill Stronghold continues to grow rapidly. Check out the Highlights section for more!

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February 2023

Our intro cinematic is slowly building up. More and more content is added each week!

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January 2023

A new year, a new step forward!

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December 2022

Many great upgrades in the last month of the year. New textures, cinematics and notes have been added to the game.

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November 2022

A new world map and more progress on our city!

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October 2022

A month of steady development, and a opportunity to showcase our merchandise!

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September 2022

The first batch of final textures are being tested on our doctor model, while the about quarter of our new introduction cinematic has been completed simultaneously.

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August 2022

New horse and body parts are added into the game!

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July 2022

The collaboration with our newest crew member has been very pleasant and efficient. Rembrandt shares our vision about the game and fits right in. Happy to have you aboard!

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June 2022

We had a great time at AnimeCon 2022. Besides from getting a lot of useful feedback from our players, it certainly was a blast to see so many people having fun with our game.

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May 2022

Animecon is around the corner. We will have a stand there to promote our game. Check de devlog to see what we have done the past month.

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April 2022

Animations are being updated, while new areas are being created and decorated.

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March 2022

This month we've gotten alot of new models and finally added the doctor model into the game!

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February 2022

Last month, our main focus shifted back to level development. We started creating new maps and with it increased the rise of new models. A first batch of new models has been implemented in the game, with a lot more to come!

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January 2022

Our main focus has shifted back to level development. After a lot of bugfixing in the existing levels we are happy to start creating the final levels of the game.

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December 2021

Importing the model did not go as smoothly as we had hoped. On import, the model tilts 90 degrees backwards as shown on the image above.

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November 2021

Making big steps in quality of life changes for the game. Added a functionality to look back tutorials and started buildig a brand new map!

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October 2021

After finishing and testing all of the desired functionality of the Options menu, we have redesigned the interface for a more professional and clean look. We are very pleased with the end result.

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September 2021

The playtests with real (first time) players went exceptionally well. All of the testers had a fun time playing the game and said that the atmosphere was amazing. But most of all, all of the objectives and puzzles were clear (and doable) for each player - which was the main goal of this test phase. Now that we have verified the playability and difficulty level of the audience, we will continue developing quests, objectives and puzzles for the game

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August 2021

After gathering feedback from the numerous test sessions that we’ve conducted in the past month, we’ve implemented a lot of quality of life improvements in various maps.

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July 2021

Our main focus continues to be conducting as many user-tests (on build 3.0) as possible to get a broad view of how different players experience our game. A few candidates have already played the newest build and the results are positive.

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June 2021

Our main focus is currently to conduct as many user-tests (on build 3.0) as possible to get a broad view of how different players experience our game.

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May 2021

This month, we have focussed on the ghoul AI in order to make it more flexible in different situations. We have also taken a step back and looked at the maps we have previously created. We worked on creating a better flow throughout each level, to increase the player interaction with each map.

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April 2021

This month kicks off the creation of a new character; The Doctor. We have distributed the assignments of modeling, rigging and animating the new enemy, which will play a huge role of the challenges that the players will be facing.

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March 2021

As you guys might’ve noticed, we’ve started our marketing campaign recently and are organizing meetings around that topic more frequently. Gavin is in charge of most things relating to PR and marketing, so if you have a great idea for a post just let him know

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February 2021

We are excited to see that the meetings in our ABG Discord channel is met with positive reactions. It is always nice that people are interested in what the rest of the team is up to and every input is valuable. Therefore, keep it up!

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January 2021

Ali finalized his carriage. Which will be part of the opening scene of Etherwood Outpost. Nice work Ali!

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